Ethical Challenges in Short-Term Global Health Training

CASE 2: Ensuring Personal Safety
Gene Richardson, Matthew DeCamp, Joce Rodriguez , Jeremy Sugarman, Michele Barry

Risks to personal health and safety differ around the world as result of differences in disease prevalence, social conditions, and many other factors. Trainees involved in short-term global health training might find themselves in situations where they are exposed to health and safety risks.  Helping ensure trainee safety is the joint responsibility of the trainee, sending and host institutions, and sponsors of global health training programs abroad.  

In this case, we will discuss some ethical issues that arise when trainees find their personal safety is at risk.  Let’s consider the following vignette.

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© Stanford University Center for Global Health and the Johns Hopkins University Berman Institute of Bioethics.

Project funding provided by Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF)